Can I Give Baby Up for Adoption at The Hospital

Pregnant & Considering Adoption Topics

Place a Baby For Adoption Las Vegas Nevada

If you think you want to place a baby for adoption in Las Vegas, Nevada, I can help. I am an adoption attorney and a birth mother. Our nonprofit, The Adoption Resource Center, is one of the most trusted nonprofits in the country. I have personally worked with several pregnant women in Las Vegas on placing their baby for adoption. I can help you too!

In this article I want to tell you a story about a young pregnant mom in Las Vegas that I worked with. When you read this story, I hope you will better understand what it’s like to work with me. Life can be complicated and even the small things can be overwhelming. I am here for you for all the details, big and small.

You are welcome to reach out to me anytime using the contact options on this page. I’m happy to help you place your baby for adoption, or just to listen if that’s what you need. My services are absolutely free!

Taylor (names have been changed) planned to place her baby for adoption in Las Vegas

Taylor was 18 when she contacted me and was 5 months pregnant. She had aged out of the foster care system, and her biggest fear was that her baby would be taken into the foster care system. Sadly, she was also homeless which meant there was a risk that CFS would take her baby. Fortunately, Taylor’s half sister was willing to let Taylor live with her under certain conditions. Joanie was clear that she would not help Taylor raise a baby. She already had two kids and was in school. Taylor explained that she was making an adoption plan for the baby. They agreed Taylor could stay as long as she helped babysit the kids. After the baby was born and placed for adoption, Taylor would get a job and help with expenses too.

Helping with groceries and rides to visit her boyfriend

Taylor didn’t have a car or a driver’s license. While we were planning for prenatal care and working on getting her a doctor, Taylor and I had a great time ordering groceries on InstaCart. She had chosen an adoptive family and they were covering the cost of extra groceries. Taylor also didn’t have any friends in Las Vegas, other than her boyfriend (not the baby’s father). I could tell she was feeling really isolated, so I ordered her Lyft rides to visit her boyfriend in Spring Valley. The adoptive parents were happy to cover this cost!

We had a lot of fun getting to know each other

One of my favorite things about working with Taylor was her positivity, her humor, and her laugh. She was pretty isolated during her pregnancy, so we would talk on the phone at least two or three times a week. I’d get a funny text from her with a cute meme, and knew she was ready for one of our chats. not surprisingly, she wanted to talk about labor and delivery.

This came up a lot. Taylor was afraid of what it would be like. I told her all about my labor and delivery when I gave birth to my son and placed him for adoption. We talked a lot about open adoption and how much she was looking forward to watching her baby grow and thrive. She was also afraid of how she would feel afterward. I explained that every woman’s experience is different. Fortunately, professional grief counseling is always available to birth mothers. The adoptive parents are more than happy to cover this cost. Taylor felt reassured that she would get the support she needed. Getting to know her, and all of the women I work with, is one of my favorite things about doing this work.

Getting prenatal care in Nevada can be really challenging

Planning for prenatal care was a huge challenge. In order to get Medicaid in Nevada, you have to show your birth certificate. This is because Nevada wants to know you were born in the United States. Providing a birth certificate is not required in many other states. So we had to figure out how to get Taylor’s birth certificate. It was a nightmare! We had to fill out a form, have it notarized, and write a check for the fee. I had to do all of this for her because Taylor didn’t have a checking account. She also didn’t have an ID for the notary. I got it all done for her, sent it off, and then we waited.

When the birth certificate arrived, I helped Taylor apply for Medicaid. She was approved really quickly, so we made an appointment for prenatal care. By this point she was more than 6 months pregnant. On the day of her first appointment, Taylor was super nervous. She has a lot of social anxiety, and let’s face it, 18 is really young to be doing this by herself. Joanie was in school and would then have to take care of the kids, so she couldn’t go. Instead, I ordered Taylor a Lyft and went with her to the appointment on Facetime.

I’ve never heard of needing an ID to go to the doctor

When Taylor arrived at the appointment, they asked for her ID. She didn’t have an ID. Taylor didn’t drive and had never applied for a state ID. The OBGYN office refused to see her. They said it was their policy not to treat patients whose identity they can’t verify. I offered to pay for the appointment out of pocket using my credit card. They said no. I offered to send them a copy of her birth certificate. They said no. I tried everything I could think of, and they still said no. It was super frustrating!

I couldn’t find a free clinic who would take her in a timely fashion, so we made an appointment for a 3-D ultrasound. Getting a 3-D ultrasound was better than nothing. We also made an appointment for the DMV to apply for an ID. Then we made an appointment for three weeks away when we knew she’d have an ID. It was a huge relief when we finally got to see a doctor. The one nice aspect of waiting is that the adoptive parents were able to take her to the appointment. They didn’t go into the office (I was on the phone with her at the appointment), but they were ready to take her out to lunch afterward.

Being at the hospital when she had the baby was amazing

When Taylor finally had the baby, the adoptive parents, Joanie and I were all at the hospital. Taylor wanted Joanie in the delivery room, and the adoptive parents and I waited outside in a really pretty garden courtyard. Shortly after the baby was born, Taylor texted to say we could come see him and hold him. She wasn’t sure before she went into labor whether she’d want to see the baby or not. As soon as he was born, she knew that she would spend time with him. She was really glad that she did.

Since then, Taylor and Joanie and the adoptive parents have stayed in touch. They love sending updates on how he’s doing, and Taylor loves to receive them. She wants to see him again someday, but for now, she isn’t ready. She knows that option is always open to her, and she’ll take advantage of it when she wants.

Adoption isn’t the easy option, but for many women it’s the right choice

If you want to place a baby for adoption in Las Vegas, I invite you to reach out to me today. I can answer all of your questions, help you with your needs, big and small. Most important, I’m here for you if you just need someone to listen.

place a baby for adoption las vegas





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