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Can I Give Baby Up for Adoption at The Hospital

Pregnant & Considering Adoption Topics

Considerations About Where To Give Birth In An Adoption

The physical challenges of travel

Before you give birth, travel can be challenging. It’s harder to walk and carry luggage when you’re very pregnant.  You likely get tired easily. A letter from your doctor may be required if you are flying in the last trimester.  Traveling by train, bus, or car is possible late in your pregnancy, but small aisles, cramped bathrooms, and tiny seats can make travel an uncomfortable experience while you’re pregnant. You should think about where to give birth in an adoption especially if it involves travel. Delivering close to home could be your best option.

Traveling after giving birth

Childbirth is an intense physical process.  After you’ve given birth you’ll need to a lot of rest.  You will likely be sore and tired after having your baby. Your hormones will likely be off and if you need to have a cesarean section, you’ll need to have extra time recuperating from surgery as well. Traveling immediately after you give birth can be exhausting. If you travel by car it is the law to have a baby seat, you can get one at  It’s good to give birth in a place where you can easily get home to your own bed, to relax and to have family and friends support you until you’re ready to get up and walk around and care for yourself again.

Finding emotional support

When you’re planning an adoption for your baby, giving birth will likely be an emotional moment. You’re saying hello to your child and you’re introducing this child to a new adoptive family. This entire process can bring on an intensity of emotion that could surprise you.  Traveling out of state to deliver means that you will likely be far from your support systems. While you may feel now that you want to go through the delivery alone, you need to consider the possibility that this will change. If you travel out of state to deliver, you limit your options if you change your mind about having a friend or family with you at the hospital.

Financial implications

There are also financial considerations to giving birth outside of your home state. If you have insurance to cover the delivery, your insurance may not cover the birth if you travel outside the state. If you’re on state aid for pregnant mothers and decide to travel to another state for a while before you give birth, you may not be eligible for aid programs in that state since you are not a resident. Most important, the hospital bills will be in your name. Adopting parents can cover these out of pocket medical costs.  However, if you change your mind and choose to parent your child, you will then be looking at high medical bills not covered by insurance.  And the cost for getting you and your baby home.

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