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Adoptees Searching for Biological Family Intake Form

TARC is a nonprofit organization whose primary purpose is helping expectant [birth] mothers who have decided to place their baby for adoption navigate the emotional and practical aspects involved in the adoption process. TARC also assists adoptees in the United States seeking their unknown biological parent(s) by helping them decipher their DNA test results. We do not charge for our family search service, but donations are accepted.

In order to use our services, we require the adoptee to take or have taken a DNA test with

Please note that for various reasons we will not be able to help everyone ultimately find their birth parent, as we only accept a limited number of these projects. However, we can provide you with names of other nonprofit organizations that offer similar services.  

Before you fill out this form: 

Every field of this form must be completed. If you don’t have the information, respond with “unknown.”

We cannot help you if were born outside of the United States or are unwilling to do a DNA test through or similar.

If you answer “no” to the DNA question, or indicate you were born out of the United States, you may not receive a response from the TARC team given the volume of inquiries we receive.